Tlikakila River, Lake Clark National Park (with Map & Photos)

The Tlikakila River (Dena 'ina Athabascan iq'a Qilanhtnu, literally "river where salmon live") is a 51-mile (82 km) long stream in the United States. state of Alaska. The river, lying entirely within Lake Clark National Park, flows southwest from Summit Lake in the Chigmit Mountains of the Aleutian Range to Clark Lake.

Tlikakila River
Tlikakila River

Tlikakila is one of three national "wild rivers" in Lake Clark National Park. The other two are Mulchatna and Chilikadrotna, all of which were added in 1980 to the National Wild and Scenic River System.

Tlikakila River
Tlikakila River


Depending on the class I (easy) to III (difficult) on the International River Difficulty Scale, the Tlikakila River is capable of rafting and kayaking. The Alaska River Guide describes it as suitable for "intermediate boaters with good wilderness skills". To reach the floating parts of the river from Summit Lake, boaters must navigate a 2-mile (3 km) breakwater. Hazards include Class III rapids, which may require a second pass below the confluence with the North Fork Tlikakila River. Bears pose another danger, as do the quicksands in the lower reaches of the river.

Tlikakila River Map