Lake Hillier, Western Australia, Australia (with Map & Photos)

Lake Hillier in Australia is often called the "pink lake" - it received its popularity precisely because of its unusual purple color. This is exactly what Lake Hiller looks like from afar and up close. This world famous natural attraction is located on the island of Middle Island and is surrounded on all sides by eucalyptus forest and numerous sands. Lake Hillier was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century during the expedition of Matthew Flinders - the captain noticed a reservoir with pink water, climbing one of the nearby mountains.

Lake Hillier
Lake Hillier

Lake Hillier is a very famous attraction, but this place is not very popular among tourists. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to approach the reservoir. Occasionally they arrive here with the help of air transport - there is no other navigation in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bMiddle Island.

Lake Hillier
Lake Hillier

How to get to Pink Hillier Lake in Australia

According to the reviews of experienced travelers, tours to Lake Hillier are carried out by a minimum number of tour operators. Luxury Outback Tours is reportedly based in Perth, Western Australia, offering unusual group tours to the lake. In addition, from the city of Perth, you can make a trip from Perth to Esperance, and from there take a flight over Lake Hillier.

Lake Hillier Map