Explore Solomon Islands, Melanesia (with Map & Photos)

The Solomon Islands is a fairly large group of Pacific islands located northeast of the continent of Australia. In total, the state includes over 990 large and small islands, which are considered part of the so-called Melanesia. Almost all of these islands are of volcanic origin, therefore they are very picturesque. They are covered with evergreen tropical forests, sometimes turning into impenetrable jungles.

Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands

General Information

The climate on the islands is predominantly humid, with an average annual air temperature of 26-27 degrees Celsius. The Solomon Islands has many active volcanoes that have long been the end point of many tourist routes.

Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands

In the 18th and even 19th century, the indigenous inhabitants of the Solomon Islands "became famous" for the murders of European missionaries and the first colonists. True, the modern state of the Republic of the Solomon Islands no longer poses a threat to Europeans and tourists from other countries. Travelers come here, in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, for exotic, excellent diving conditions and an overview of natural attractions.

The largest and at the same time "capital" island of the state is Guadalcanal, where the capital of the country - the city of Honiara - is located. There are also several large volcanoes on this island: Popomanaso, Mount Gallego, Makarakomburu, Kaichui, Tatuve. Moreover, all these volcanoes are quite high, over 2 thousand meters above sea level. Despite the mountainous terrain and the presence of active volcanoes, more than 1/3 of the entire population of the Solomon Islands lives on this island. The capital of the state is a rather small town with a population of just over 50 thousand people. According to experienced tourists, there is almost nothing to see in Honiara except for the noisy and colorful bazaars. However, not far from the capital there is an excellent beach, and avid anglers can have an interesting time casting their fishing rods right from the shore.

Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands

In the central part of the Solomon Islands there are places of remarkable beauty: the islands of Anuha, Savo and Florida. The shores of Anuha Island represent an almost continuous beach strip covered with white coral chips. The same can be seen on the island of Florida, as well as visit the headquarters of the former colonial British administration. For experienced divers, the Savo Island is of undoubted interest. There is practically no tourist infrastructure on it (in the usual meaning of this expression for Europeans), but diving in the area of ​​sunken warships of the Second World War can turn into a real adventure.

The eastern region of the country is of great interest for avid travelers who love exoticism. Firstly, some of the islands in the eastern part of the state are artificial. They were created by local residents by filling the coastal waters with coral rubble. Over 10 thousand inhabitants of the Solomon Islands live on these artificial islands. Secondly, it is in this part of the country that the cult of shark worship is widespread. According to the ancient beliefs of the Melanesians, the souls of their ancestors move into the bodies of sharks.

Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands

The western part of the Solomon Islands is the most developed part of the country in terms of tourism and recreation infrastructure. Some of the picturesque coral beaches of the Western Islands are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. On the islands of Wangunu, New Georgia and Guizo, several modern hotels have been built, quite worthy of the level of service.

Lovers of the exotic should definitely visit the Solomon Islands, get acquainted with the life and life of the islanders, who were once irreconcilable enemies of the first white settlers.

Solomon Islands Map