Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, United States (with Map & Photos)

Mammoth Cave Kentucky

Mammoth Cave
is located in the USA National Park, Kentucky and is the longest cave system in the world. Its total length is 650 km, and its depth is 124 m below sea level.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

The age of this cave system is 10 million years. The first inhabitants of the Mammoth Cave were the autochthonous population of Kentucky - the Indians. They used it as a shelter from bad weather and predatory animals. The Indians buried their dead tribesmen in deep grottoes.

At the end of the 18th century, this large cave became known to the white population of America.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

Until 1814, it was used for industrial purposes. Later it housed a tuberculosis sanatorium.

In 1941, the Mammoth Cave National Park was opened here, the territory of which covers 214 km 2.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

Mammoth Cave (Kentucky) - The territory of the complex is so large that in its bowels it contains lakes and rivers, the largest of which is Echo. Fish, crayfish and shrimps are found in its waters.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

The Indians had a legend about the lizard people living in the cave. According to the beliefs of the aborigines, the mythical creatures gnawed their way through the limestone with their teeth, which formed the labyrinth of the Mammoth Cave.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

In the middle of the twentieth century, it was discovered that the labyrinths of the cave connect several caves - Salt, Crystal and Unknown.

In 1981, Kentucky National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Mammoth Cave Kentucky

In the cave, there are cascades of stalactites and stalagmites, forming a complex called "Frozen Niagara".

The temperature in the Mammoth Cave system does not rise above 12 degrees all year round. Tourist groups take excursions here, and since the caves have good acoustics, they give concerts of classical music.

Mammoth Cave Map