Pratovecchio Stia, Tuscany, Italy (with Map & Photos)

Pratovecchio Stia is a municipality located in the province of Arezzo, in the region of Tuscany, Italy. It's a small town situated in the Casentino Valley, known for its picturesque landscapes and historical significance. The municipality is the result of the merger of two towns: Pratovecchio and Stia.

Pratovecchio Stia Italy
Pratovecchio Stia Italy

Pratovecchio Stia is characterized by its charming medieval architecture, including churches, castles, and other historic buildings. The Casentino Valley is also known for its natural beauty, with forests, rivers, and hiking trails attracting visitors interested in outdoor activities.

Pratovecchio Stia Italy
Pratovecchio Stia Italy

Please note that there might have been developments or changes since my last update. I recommend checking more recent sources for the latest information about Pratovecchio Stia and its current status.

Pratovecchio Stia Map