Cloughoughter Castle, Cavan, Ireland (with Map & Photos)

Cloughoughter Castle is a historic site located in County Cavan, Ireland. It is an ancient ruined castle situated on a small island in Lough Oughter, a lake in the northeastern part of the county. The castle is one of the most iconic and historically significant landmarks in the region.

Cloughoughter Castle
Cloughoughter Castle

The castle's name, "Cloughoughter," is derived from the Irish language "Clach Uachtair," meaning "upper stone." The original construction of the castle dates back to the 13th century, during the Anglo-Norman period in Ireland. It was built by the O'Reilly clan, who were powerful Gaelic Irish chieftains in the area.

Cloughoughter Castle
Cloughoughter Castle

Cloughoughter Castle served as a strategic stronghold for the O'Reillys, and its location on an island made it difficult to access and provided a natural defense against potential attacks. The castle underwent various renovations and expansions over the centuries, but it ultimately fell into disrepair and ruin by the 17th century.

Today, Cloughoughter Castle is a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors with an interest in Irish history and medieval architecture. Although it is in ruins, the remnants of the castle still showcase its former grandeur and provide a glimpse into the past. Exploring the castle grounds and learning about its history can be a fascinating experience for those visiting the region.

Cloughoughter Castle
Cloughoughter Castle

Keep in mind that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, so there may have been developments or changes regarding Cloughoughter Castle since then. If you plan to visit, I recommend checking for the most up-to-date information and any potential visitor guidelines.

Cloughoughter Castle Map