Castle Rock Vacations, Colorado (with Map & Photos)

How long does it take to get from Castle Rock to Colorado Springs by different modes of transport? Castle Rock, Colorado - Colorado Springs route: travel time, distance in kilometers and miles and route on the map, fare, choice of transport, as well as reviews and tips from experienced travelers 2023.

Castle Rock Colorado
Castle Rock Colorado

Fare and travel time

Below is information on how many hours it will take you to get from Castle Rock to Colorado Springs, as well as the approximate cost of travel (average ticket price) for each mode of transport.

Distance from Castle Rock to Colorado Springs
The distance between Castle Rock and Colorado Springs is 59 kilometers or 37 miles in a straight line and 65 kilometers or 40 miles by road.

Interesting Facts

  • If you decide to ride it on a bike, you will spend 3 hours and 17,578 calories
  • It will take you 11 hours to walk it.
  • Your dog will cover this distance in 7 hours.

Where to go from Colorado Springs?

If you are planning a long trip, where Colorado Springs is just one of the stages, then the following routes will be useful to you.

Castle Rock Map