The Interesting Captiva Island in Florida

Captiva Island and its beaches are truly a subtropical environment, enjoying good weather year-round. This tranquil island includes a wildlife sanctuary and miles of white-sand beaches. The northern part of Captiva is only accessible by ferry, private boat, or airplane. It is a private island and is known as one of the best beaches in the world, and luckily it is open for the public to enjoy.

Captiva Island Florida
Captiva Island Florida

The setting is practically what we can see in the typical tourist postcards, or in the movies. It is perfect for all kinds of vacations, from the most romantic to the most adventurous. Palm trees, turquoise waters, deep blue skies make this place a true paradise. A Captiva Beach vacation isn't just a vacation, it's a getaway.

Captiva Island is part of a chain of islands that also includes Sanibel Island, which is accessible by car. The atmosphere that is breathed in the island of Captiva is one of abundance and beauty that we appreciate at first sight, as soon as we arrive to it. We found out when we reached the small town of Captiva, near where the gulf meets the bay.

Captiva Island Florida
Captiva Island Florida

Even being small and quiet, we can see that there is the possibility of eating and shopping in various places. In fact, throughout the island, a series of shops and restaurants have been set up that provide the community with a good income and good service to visitors.

The things that can be done in these paradisiacal beaches are varied. One of the activities that one cannot miss is renting a boat and exploring the coasts checking out the beauty of the island's maritime line. We can rent boats that can take us to nearby islands, and where there are specialized sites for underwater fishing, diving or picnicking on totally deserted beaches. There are houses for rent just 5 minutes walk from the beach, and we will have no problem taking a bath practically when we get up in the morning.