Khami Ruins, UNESCO World Heritage Sites (with Map & Photos)

Zimbabwe is home to a number of sites of significant cultural and historical significance. Some of them have been recognized as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO due to their uniqueness and importance to the collective interests of mankind.

Khami Ruins Unesco
Khami Ruins Unesco

Succulents and desert plants grow in abundance among the elaborate stone walls of the Khami Ruins Unesco National Monument. The city of Khami was founded after the fall of Great Zimbabwe and lasted until the 19th century. This is one of the few places in Zimbabwe that has not been destroyed by treasure hunters. Archaeological finds include Spanish and Chinese porcelain, German pottery and Portuguese trade goods, and a monumental granite cross. Although the area is in a relatively stable state, natural factors such as vegetation growth and flooding should continue to be monitored. Since the area is still an active sacred site for the local population, tourism development should be regulated accordingly.

Khami Ruins Map