Yungbulakang Palace, Shannan, China (with Map & Photos)

Yungbulakang Palace (雍布拉康邮政所) - Ancient Palace in the Varnung Tsangpo River Valley, built in the second century BC. According to legends, Yungbulakang is the very first building in Tibet built for the first Tibetan king named Nyatri Tsenpo (Tib. གཉའ་ཁྲི་བཙན་པོ gnya' khri btsanpo). The palace rises on a hill on the east bank of the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) River and is located 13 kilometers from the city of Tsethang and 150 kilometers from Lhasa, which makes it possible to include the palace in a short tour to Lhasa if there is not much time for a trip to Tibet.

Yungbulakang Palace
Yungbulakang Palace

9 km south of the city of Tsetan, on a high hill, stands one of the most recognizable buildings in Tibet, it is called the Yungbulakang Palace.

According to legend, Yungbulakang is the very first building in Tibet, built for the first Tibetan king Nyatri Tsenpo in the 2nd century BC.

Yungbulakang Palace
Yungbulakang Palace

Could it be that the older a place or a building, the more names it has? It is not the first time that, when talking about a site, we come across so many names that it amazes, and the first palace in Tibet is not far behind in this regard. We can hear name it as Yumbulagang ; Yumbu Lakhang or as Yungbulakang Palace. However, the name hardly matters when you see him, incredibly humble and dazzling at the same time.

Yungbulakang Palace Map