Sun Moon Lake, Yuchi Township, Taiwan (with Map & Photos)

Sun Moon Lake (the shape of the lake itself resembles the Sun and the Moon, figuratively separated by a small narrowing and the sacred island of Lalu) is one of the most picturesque places in Taiwan and East Asia. It is originally a sacred lake for the local Tao tribe, to which their hunters were led by a mystical white deer. The lake turned out to be rich in fish, and the Deer was immortalized in a marble monument, which is also on the lake.

Sun Moon Lake Taiwan
Sun Moon Lake Taiwan

The period of Japanese rule on the island of Taiwan, and then the move here of the nationalists of Guomindang - all these milestones in history influenced the formation of the appearance of the lake and the surrounding areas. in 1971, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek built the Cien Pagoda on one of the hills: the complex is dedicated to his mother and is the highest point here - exactly 1000 meters above sea level (the lake itself is at an altitude of 748 meters above sea level).

Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) is one of the largest in the country and home to the Shao tribe, one of the original peoples of the island. Today we tell you his legend!

Sun Moon Lake Taiwan
Sun Moon Lake Taiwan

It is only 20-30 minutes from the town of Puli to Sun Moon Lake, along the way there are plantations of all kinds of exotic cultures (around every meter you can find thin trunks of betel palm (it is cultivated for the sake of seeds, which are wrapped in the leaves of the same betel nut and chewed as a tonic, abuse is harmful to the body), as well as tea plantations, where you can, by booking a program in advance, first collect tea, then go through all the stages of its preparation and processing and enjoy tea on the same day.

Visiting the island of Taiwan, tourists tend to see the maximum of historical, cultural and religious attractions. Here you can combine the pleasant and the useful: visit the lake of the Sun and the Moon. The serenity and natural beauty, as well as local attractions and experiences, will distract you a little from the metropolitan areas.

Sun Moon Lake Taiwan
Sun Moon Lake Taiwan

Description of the reservoir

Geographically, the Sun Moon Lake is located near Taipei City in Nantou County, surrounded by the Dajian and Shuishe Mountains. The reservoir lies at an altitude of 748 m above sea level. Its approximate area, taking into account the indented coast, is 7.93 sq. km. The lake of the Sun and Moon is fed by the waters of the Zhoshui River, and its average depth is 40 m.

Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural freshwater body in Taiwan. Its interesting name is determined by the shape itself: the eastern part of the lake has a round shape, and the western one is very similar to a crescent. On the lake and in the mountains, even the quietest voice echoes very well. The local climate is moderate and comfortable. Summer temperatures are in the range of + 15... + 22 ° С.

What to see on the lake?

Surrounded by vibrant greenery and mountains, the Sun Moon Lake can be called a real pearl of the island of Taiwan. The lake water is not muddy, slightly greenish, but transparent. In search of amazing combinations of such natural phenomena as fog, sun, mountains, water, many photographers and newlyweds come here for beautiful photographs.

Couples in love, brides and grooms choose the Sun Moon Lake for weekends, vacations, honeymoons and even vacations. Nothing here reminds of large metropolitan areas and the hustle and bustle of modern life. You can stay in one of the local cozy hotels at any time of the year and enjoy the silence and scenery.

Sun Moon Lake Taiwan
Sun Moon Lake Taiwan

In the middle of the lake, at the place of the invisible confluence of two luminaries, there is a small island of Lalu. This is a sacred territory for Shao believers, outsiders and tourists are not allowed there. It contains the grave of the Indian monk Xuan Zang, who lived in the 7th century, as well as the pavilion of the god of marriage. Local activities include boating on the lake, hiking in the mountains or cycling around the lake.

On the northern shore, you can visit the ancient Wenwu Temple, erected in honor of Confucius and General Yue Fei. You can also visit the nearby Shao indigenous village, peacock garden and butterfly museum. Be sure to climb the new cable car to see the lake and its surroundings from above.

How to get there?

The Sun Moon Lake is about 1.5 hours' drive from Taichung City. You can go either by your own or rented passenger transport, as well as by regular tourist buses, which depart every 40 minutes from various offices of travel companies and from the station.

Sun Moon Lake Google Maps