Iliamna Lake Monster, Alaska (with Map & Photos)

Iliamna Lake in Alaska is the largest in the US state and the second largest in the entire United States. Its surface area exceeds 2,500 km², with about 125 km wide by 35 km long. It is located in the extreme south-west of Alaska and has an average depth of around 44 meters, with a maximum point of 300. Interestingly, despite being just 15 meters above sea level, its waters are not salty, although it does have contact with the sea through the Kvichak River.

Iliamna Lake Alaska
Iliamna Lake Alaska

Alaska is famous not only for being sold to the States for next to nothing. Alaska is also famous for its numerous lakes, many of which are impressive in size. One of the largest lakes in Alaska is Iliamna.

This lake is so large that it is sometimes called the inland sea: it is more than one hundred kilometers in length and covers an area of ​​about one and a half thousand square kilometers. The lake has a connection with the Bay of Bristol.

Iliamna Lake Alaska
Iliamna Lake Alaska

A special interest in Lake Iliamna is based on the possibility of living in its waters of a huge animal unknown to science. It is neither nessi nor cadi and is significantly different from other lake monsters.

The messages received speak of a creature whose body structure resembles that of a fish, but of gigantic proportions.

Iliamna Lake Map