Corvin Castle, Transylvania, Romania (with Map & Photos)

Corvin Castle in Romania is considered a living legend of Transylvania. The fortress in the town of Hunedoara is the castle of the most famous king of medieval Hungary - Matthias I Corvinus. This architectural monument has a special charm due to the different building styles, the presence of many military and civil innovations that were unique for that time, as well as the turbulent court life that brought the history of the castle to life for more than 400 years.

Corvin Castle impresses all tourists, without exception, with its appearance, towering over the city. For lovers of the Middle Ages, the castle is a unique monument in Romania and one of the most attractive in the entire European space.

Corvin Castle Romania
Corvin Castle Romania

Corvin Castle Inside

The main values ​​that makeup all the inner wealth of the Corvin Castle are its fire buildings, antique furniture, and personal belongings of the inhabitants of the castle.

The original fire stations in the Corvin Castle to heat it were largely destroyed in the 19th century during the first major restoration work. Documented sources found by archaeologists confirm that the castle had brick ovens for common areas (kitchens, sleeping rooms, places reserved for soldiers), as well as unique stoves with tiles - the remains of these structures were found in the golden room and sacristy of the chapel. In the 19th century, during the research on the Corvin Castle, glazed tiles were discovered on its territory, depicting a knight in a tower, which testifies to the existence of stoves with tiles of special artistic sophistication in the castle. One of the most beautiful fireplaces in Transylvania is in the late Gothic-style Capistrano Tower.

Corvin Castle Romania
Corvin Castle Romania

The furniture, which currently furnishes the premises of the Corvin Castle, is not original. Unfortunately, the furnishings in which the Corvin family lived have not survived to this day, but it is believed that the rooms and interiors of the castle were decorated with exquisite creations of the 16th century, given their financial capabilities. The pieces of furniture on display in the Corvin Castle today bring together a variety of valuable exhibits belonging to a variety of schools and styles of art, from objects in the Gothic and Renaissance styles to works in the eclectic style.

The personal belongings of the Corvin family, which have survived to this day, amaze all visitors to Corvin Castle (Romania) with their sophistication. Architectural and historical value is represented by two knife presses, decorated with images of a noble Renaissance costume typical of the 16th – 17th centuries.

Corvin Castle Romania
Corvin Castle Romania

History of Corvin Castle

The first stone fortification in Hunedoara was dated by most researchers to the 14th century, although some experts associate the royal fort with the first half of the 15th century. The very first fortification had an ellipsoidal shape with sharpened northern and southern stone ends. The walls of the fortress, up to 2 meters thick, were built of dolomite limestone blocks and river stones right on the rock. Research has shown that in the northern part, there were two triangular rooms, one of which is an underground tower.

After 1440, Ioan de Hunedoara began large-scale activities aimed at transforming the fortress into a real castle. The first stage included the construction of two fortifications around the old fortress, equipped with battlements at the top. These curtain walls were surrounded by circular and rectangular towers, the first of which was new to the military architecture of Transylvania at the time. The round towers (Tower of Capistrano, Tower of the Desert, Tower of Tobosarilor), except the painted tower (Tower of Buzdugan), were provided with a basement, followed by two more levels, the lower of which are used as weapons depots, and the upper ones as living rooms or defensive zones. The Capistrano Tower also houses the only original Gothic restored fireplace.

The rectangular towers located in the northwestern and southeastern parts of the Corvin Castle (the old and new gate towers) were equipped with levels of protection, including those for firearms. The actual entrances to the Corvin Castle were made through bridges on stone pillars, the last sections of the bridges were movable. The first phase of the construction of the castle was completed in 1446 when Ioan de Hunedoara became the governor of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Corvin Castle Romania
Corvin Castle Romania

Also during this period, a chapel was built, located on the eastern side of the Corvin Castle. Its rectangular nave is preceded by an extension, above which a gallery with a tribune is supported on hexagonal columns. The palace, located on the western side of the castle, consists of the Knights' Hall, the Celebration Hall, and the spiral staircase. Its rooms are rectangular in shape, divided by octagonal marble columns with graceful consoles in the late Gothic style.

Another unique structure of the Corvin Castle in Romania is the gallery and tower with the unusual name "Nje Boisia", which translates as "Do not be afraid". The name was probably given by the Serbian mercenaries stationed in the castle's garrison. The tower itself, consisting of 5 levels of defense, is equipped with holes for firearms. Communication with the Corvin Castle is provided through a suspension gallery over 33 meters long, which rests on massive columns of dolomite limestone.

The second stage of construction ends with the death of John de Hunedoar and the beginning of the battles for the throne of the Hungarian kingdom. After 1458, work was still carried out in the northern part of the Corvin Castle, as a result of which the so-called Matia wing, consisting of logs, was built, and the picture with a worldly plot located here is unique. Completion of work in the Corvin Castle dates back to 1480. In the 16th century, only a few civil buildings were erected on the territory of the Corvin castle.

In the 17th century, under the leadership of Prince Gabriel Betlen, work was carried out in the Corvin Castle, dictated by both civil and military needs of the time. On the eastern side, over the older foundations, the so-called Grand Palace was built, consisting of two levels - living and living rooms. The banquet hall was also redesigned with the dismantling of all Gothic stone architecture - divided into rooms with different functions. On the first level, as a result of this intervention, traces of fresco painting have been preserved, which depicts the nobles and fortifications of that time.

Corvin Castle Romania
Corvin Castle Romania

The interior of the chapel changed significantly during the time of Gabriel Bethlen. The White Tower here was made in a semicircular shape with 3 levels of protection. The artillery terrace functioned as an open platform prepared for heavy firearms. Also in the 17th century, an outer courtyard (the courtyard of the hussars) was built, which housed the rooms of the administrator, civil servants, and warehouses for food and hay.

In the 19th century, the most important restoration work began in the Corvin Castle, in parallel with the construction of a large city palace facade and modern roofs covered with glazed tiles. An artillery terrace and a watchtower were added to the existing terrace to enhance the monument's appeal. Several decorative stone elements were removed and replaced with new ones.

Corvin Castle Map